Dance Pedagogy - Methods of Folk Dance

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Profil absolventa
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Profil absolventa

Graduates of the Master’s programme in Dance Pedagogy have acquired the skills of methodological and didactic thinking as well as a comprehensive understanding of movement supported by anatomical knowledge of the human body. They have also developed creative skills based on a deepening of their practical dance experience and theoretical knowledge in the selected area of focus. The student is able to competently teach specialised dance techniques and repertoire according to the chosen study plan for different age groups and at all levels of expertise of the dance performer. He/she is able to perceive the role of the dance teacher not only in terms of narrowly professional dance teaching, but also in terms of pedagogical psychology and to be aware of the responsibility for the overall development of the dance performer. He/she must be able to define goals and choose methods and procedures. The basic values in teaching should be above all - the ability to motivate, communication skills, empathy, respect and trust, openness, a positive attitude, constant self-development, seeking new ways and approaches, and selfreflection. The graduate strengthens their conviction of the effectiveness of pedagogical action in accordance with values and in terms of the principles of communication in a democratic society. Programme graduates possess broad knowledge of the history, theory, concepts and methods of the art of dance and the selected field, and they know how to apply this knowledge in artistic/creative dance practice. They know how to seek out, classify and interpret information or sources of inspiration relevant for addressing a specific problem or for creating an artistic rendition on an assigned topic. They know how to use dance terminology and the basic technology of the given field, and how to secure the execution of a public artistic performance organisationally and with respect to copyright and technical considerations at a level appropriate for the field. They are able, within their field and according to the general assignment and allocated resources, to coordinate the activities of a creative team in the production of an artistic work of a smaller scale and simpler nature, and to be responsible for its results. They are able to take into consideration the ethical dimensions that may be involved in addressing certain problems. They are able to communicate information concerning the nature of specialist issues in the area of dance and non-verbal theatre, as well as their own opinions on how to address such issues, to experts and laymen alike and in a comprehensible and convincing manner. They are able to transact within the scope of their specialist knowledge and skills in at least one foreign language. They are able to independently acquire additional specialist knowledge, skills and competencies, mainly based on their practical experience but also by independently studying the theoretical findings of the field.
Specializace: Methods of Folk Dance The student is able to competently teach dance techniques and repertoire of Folk dance to different age groups and at all levels of expertise of the dance performer.

Obecné informace o přijímacím řízení

The entrance examination consists of an interview on professional issues, dance technique exercise analysis, the focus of the candidate's Master’s studies, and the abstract of the intended thesis in the chosen specific curriculum. There is a fee for studying in English. The amount of tuition fees for each study programme, including specialisations, is set by the Dean's Decree, which is published in the relevant section of the faculty website in English. The conditions of the admission procedure, including the determination of the method of scoring and its range, are regulated for each academic year by the relevant decree of the Dean, which is subject to approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty.

The entrance examination consists of an interview on professional issues, the focus of the candidate's Master’s studies, and an abstract of the intended thesis. The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of the context of the field in dance pedagogy, knowledge of pedagogical methods of teaching folk dance at a Bachelor degree level, orientation in educational systems, dance institutions and prominent personalities. The candidate submits two pre-prepared exemple exercise combinations of folk dance with methodological analysis. They also submit their Bachelor‘s thesis. The committee evaluates the candidate with a cumulative grade, which includes an assessment of knowledge of folk dance technique, pedagogical talent and interest in the field best documented by teaching experience, knowledge of music theory, an overview of dance and ballet history, their general cultural overview, and stage experience, all at least at the level of a graduate of the Bachelor's degree cycle. The conditions of the admission procedure, including the determination of the method of scoring and its range, are regulated for each academic year by the relevant decree of the Dean, which is subject to approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty.


doc. Mgr. Mahulena KŘENKOVÁ

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