April 23.- 28. 2012

The Sonic Mind: Listening as a Creative Resource for Composition


1. Between Sound and Structure; between Elite and Folk: Challenges to Contemporary Composers.


Analytical Topics

2. New listening: Uncovering the Anatomy of Sound. On Spectromorphology.

3. New listening: An Aural Approach to Form-building

4. Technical considerations: Stretchable Space.


About Specific Compositions by Lasse Thoresen

5. Illuminations. (Technical focus: spectral chords in spectromorphological shape)

6. AbUno. (Technical focus: Spectrality) Narrative for Saxophone Quartet (Technical focus: Interval based vs. Sound Based Structure)

7. Helligkvad, Himmelske Fader. (Technical focus: Microtonal modality)

8. The Descent of Luminous Waters, Ut Omnes Unum Sint. (Technical focus: Spectrotonality).

9. Concrescence: New Voices New Vocal Music. Mythes Étoilées, Diphonie I (Technical focus: New Vocal Techniques.)