Fitted with top-class equipment the sound studio of HAMU is perfectly suited for any task and endeavour of pedagogical, artistic, scientifical or research nature in the fields of sound production and music acoustic
The Sound Studio is a purpose-built facility of the Music Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, which participates in handling the tasks arising from the plans for this faculty's pedagogical, research and artistic activities in the field of sound creation and musical acoustics.
The Sound Studio premises are currently shared by the Musical Acoustic Research Centre and the Sound Design Department.
Recent events
Recordings of concerts, demo recordings and competition recordings for HAMU students may be secured only by arrangement with one of the sound directors from the Sound Studio and subsequent conclusion of a written Sound Studio production order with Mrs Šlapalová.
Order for study purposes/PDF format can be completed and printed out in advance.
Recording cannot be arranged for time slots that are already taken.
Malostranské náměstí 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
tel. +420 234 244 168
Teachers and professional staff of the Sound Studio and/or the Music Faculty use their artistic skills as sound and music directors or by realising electroacoustic music, either on internal faculty projects or on commissioned work from clients outside the faculty. Part of these artistic activities are included into the so-called additional (previously auxiliary) business activities of the studio.
The Sound Studio's additional activities include the making of CD recordings with prominent Czech and foreign musical performers. These recordings are used either for its own publishing activities, which are provided by Music Faculty Artistic Operation, or they are realised for other publishing companies. Reconstruction and remastering of historical recordings is a separate activity.
The Sound Studio's additional activities are governed by the applicable AMU regulations and the provisions of the studio's rules of operation. With respect to staffing, sound direction of recordings is exclusively dependent on the studio staff and music direction is preferentially dependent on Music Faculty teachers or, in special cases, on external music directors.
Recording studio
Main sound direction
Electronic sound studio
Sound production lecture room
Machine Room
Anechoic chamber as per ISO 3745
Musical acoustics laboratory
Experimental psychoacoustics laboratory
Physical acoustics laboratory
Summary of current prices for use of the Sound Studio premises and equipment
The price list is valid as of 1.5.2014.
21% VAT will be added to the total amount charged by the studio.
Recording studio + main sound direction: |
CZK 1,000/hour |
Recording studio + additional sound direction: |
CZK 900/hour |
Steinway piano (excluding tuning and assistance): |
CZK 800/hour |
Main sound direction: |
CZK 600/hour |
Additional sound direction: |
CZK 500/hour |
Electronic sound studio: |
CZK 800/hour |
Electronic sound studio in sound direction function: |
CZK 500/hour |
Anechoic chamber (excluding instrumental equipment): |
CZK 1,000/hour |
Additional hours are charged in 20-minute increments There is no charge for time spent on studio installation, clean-up and other work
The following discounts are valid for students of the Music Faculty
Concert recording on the faculty premises (for HAMU audiences): |
CZK 200 |
Partial concert recording on the faculty premises (for HAMU audiences): |
CZK 150 |
Concert recording off the faculty premises, in Prague (for HAMU audiences): |
CZK 300 |
Additional sound direction charge if the waiting time for a scheduled time slot is not observed: |
CZK 400 |
Concert recording time slots must be booked 14 days in advance, studio recording 28 days in advance.
Unclaimed recordings or the related original material are stored at the Sound Studio for two months only. After that they are deleted unless decided otherwise!!!
Prices for express recording jobs or technically demanding methods (e.g. multichannel recording, playback, etc.) must be set by agreement.
Discount for including the Sound Studio logo in the booklet text of a commercial CD |
10 % |
Discount for making a commercial recording as Sound Direction and Music Direction students' graduate theses. |
40 % |
Information about the conditions for further discounts provided to internal teachers and legitimate Music Faculty students can be obtained from the studio production room.
Prices for the work of the recording team in the case of commercial recordings (i.e. the work of the sound director, the music director and, if appropriate, a technical assistant) are set by agreement according to how time-consuming, technically and organisationally demanding the recording and processing are!!!
Prices for all acoustic measurement and research work are set by agreement
Basic equipment setup: max. 4 Shure microphones, max. 4 ElectroVoice EV S 200 speaker systems (including operator)
first hour: |
CZK 700 |
per additional hour: |
CZK 450 |
other equipment (cordless microphones, CD etc.) surcharge: |
from CZK 50/hour |
Surcharge for services on non-business days (and after 15:00 on Fridays)
first hour: |
CZK 200 |
per additional hour: |
CZK 50 |
Every subsequent hour is charged in 20-minute increments; no charge for equipment installation and clean-up.
Express surcharge of up to 100% of the total price.
21% VAT will be added to the stated prices.
large-scale (12 microphones, communications, etc.): |
CZK 1,500/day |
small-scale, reporting-style (2 microphones): |
CZK 800/day |
The following examples are based on the most common budget proposals for recording as per the Sound Studio price list and also reflect the discounts offered. These model breakdowns for commercial recording (examples 1 and 2) do not include the music and sound directors' fees.
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,800 | CZK 7,200 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,800 | CZK 7,200 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,800 | CZK 7,200 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,800 | CZK 7,200 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,800 | CZK 7,200 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
mastering, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
total rental cost excluding 20% VAT: | ..................... | CZK 50,400 |
Amounts for piano tuning and assistance from a piano tuner must be added to the above budget.
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 4,000 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 4,000 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 4,000 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 4,000 |
recording frequency, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 4,000 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
frequency editing, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
mastering, per 4 hours | 4 x CZK 600 | CZK 2,400 |
total rental cost excluding 20% VAT: | ...................... | CZK 34,000 |
recording per 2 hours | 2 x CZK 1,000 | CZK 2,000 |
editing and mastering per 2 hours | 2 x CZK 600 | CZK 1,200 |
discount for HAMU students | -75% | |
total rental cost excluding 20% VAT: | ...................... | CZK 952 |
The demo may not be released or otherwise made public.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Rozvojové setkání (workshop) pro studenty HAMU na téma komunikačních technik vedoucích přímé a rovné komunikaci - vzájemnosti, respektování, naslouchání, autenticitě
lektorka: Renáta Brůna
místo: Respirium, HAMU
upozornění: workshop je prioritně určen studentům předmětu Pedagogika 2 a Psychologie 2, účast dalších studentů je možná do vyčerpání kapacity respiria.