i-Portunus continues to support the mobility of artists, creators and cultural professionals among all countries participating in the Creative Europe Programme. On 15 February 2021 the second call for applications was open in the field of music.
Event | Date |
Call for applications: | 15 February 2021 |
Submission Deadline: | 15 April 2021 (18:00 CET) |
Notification of Results: | 21 May 2021 Earliest |
Earliest date of departure: | 16 July 2021 |
Latest date of return: | 30 November 2021 |
This call for applications is open for composers, musicians and singers preferably in classical music, jazz and traditional music genres (individuals or groups up to 5 people), aged 18+, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.
i-Portunus provides financial support to partially fund the cost of travel (transport, accommodation etc.) to another (or several) Creative Europe country(ies).
The duration of the mobility must be between 7 and 60 days and must take place latest before 30 November 2021.
The travel can be continuous or segmented:
The main objective of your mobility is preferably one of the following:
More information on i-Portunus call for applications: MUSIC.
15. February 2021
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Rozvojové setkání (workshop) pro studenty HAMU na téma komunikačních technik vedoucích přímé a rovné komunikaci - vzájemnosti, respektování, naslouchání, autenticitě
lektorka: Renáta Brůna
místo: Respirium, HAMU
upozornění: workshop je prioritně určen studentům předmětu Pedagogika 2 a Psychologie 2, účast dalších studentů je možná do vyčerpání kapacity respiria.