In connection with Government Resolution No. 1022 of 12 October 2020, which restricts the possibilities for accommodation in university dormitories, I am asking the students living in the AMU dormitory at Hradební 7 (the “Dormitory”) to responsibly consider whether or not to stay in the Dormitory.

I would like to ask all students who can to leave for their homes (except for those who do not have any other dwelling on the Czech territory).

If students have serious reasons (if you or your family is quarantined, you work on ensuring the operation of the school during the state of emergency or you volunteer) or if the Dormitory is your residence (under the provision of Section 80(1) of Act No. 89/2012, the Civil Code), you are allowed to stay in the Dormitory in accordance with a notice from the Ministry of Education dated 13 October 2020.

If a student decides to stay in AMU Dormitory, they are required to submit a declaration describing the serious reasons on their side or a declaration stating that they consider the Dormitory their residence, that is, a place where they stay intending to live there permanently, subject to a change in circumstances.

The above declaration must be submitted to the AMU Dormitory at Hradební 7 (or in electronic form to the address of the Director, Mr František Petlach by 15 October 2020, 6:00 pm).

At the same time, I strongly request that you observe the strictest measures to counter the spread of the disease in the event that the Dormitory remains partially in operation. These measures include the closing of the social areas of the Dormitory and a ban on the gathering of persons under the rules laid down by the Government of the Czech Republic.

The above rules do not apply to students who, under Government Resolution No. 1022 of 12 October 2020, have been exempt from the ban on dormitory accommodation, i.e., the students who do not have any other dwelling on the Czech territory, the students whom the Government has ordered a working duty under Act No. 240/2000 on crisis management, and the students of the general medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy and other healthcare-related programmes, and the students taking hands-on teaching exercises and practices in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools.

Assoc. Prof. Jan Hančil
Rector of AMU



13. October 2020