Dean's Decree of HAMU No. 16/2024 specifies and supplements the Rector's Directive No. 2/2023 according to Article 6, Paragraph 7, which regulates the rules for the creation and uniform formatting of the written parts of Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral theses at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU). It also establishes the deadlines and methods for their assignment and submission.

Article 1
Formal Arrangement Of The University Qualification Thesis

1.     Requirements for the Physical Format of the Written Part of Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Theses (hereinafter collectively referred to as "University Qualification Theses"), the printed version of which is submitted by the student to the respective department by the thesis submission deadline:

  • Font: Use Arial or Roboto for regular text, with a font size of 11 points.
  • Line Spacing: Set to 1.5 lines.
  • Font Color: Use black.
  • Page Format: A4 paper size.
  • Standardized Page Layout: 60 characters per line and 30 lines per page, equating to 1,800 characters including spaces.
  • Margins: Bottom, top, and right: 2 cm, Left: 3 cm (to allow for binding).
  • Text Alignment: Align text in a block format.
  • Page Printing: Print single-sided on white office paper.
  • Chapters: Each chapter must begin on a new page with a bold title; Title font size should be at least 3 points larger than the regular text. Recommended Sizes: Chapter titles: 16 points, Subchapter titles: 14 points.
  • Numbering of Chapters and Subchapters: Typically use Arabic numerals. Ensure consistency throughout the document.
  • Page Numbering: Use Arabic numerals, centered in the footer, with a font size of 11 points. Introductory pages (as per Directive 2/2023, Article 5, Paragraph 1, Points a)–h)) are not numbered.
  • Footnotes: Use a font size of 8 points with a consistent format across the text.
  • Attachments: Appendices should be added at the end of the thesis (unless integrated within the text). Number appendices consecutively.

Article 2
Formatting of the Title Page for the Print Version of the University Qualification Thesis

  1. Title Page Formatting for the University Qualification Thesis:
  • Name of the University and Faculty: font size: 18 points, font type: Arial or Roboto, text style: uppercase letters
    (example: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Music and Dance Faculty)
  • Type of Qualification Thesis: font size: 26 points, font type: Arial or Roboto, text style: uppercase letters
    (example: Bachelor's Thesis /Master's Thesis /Doctoral Dissertation – (Choose the correct type based on the thesis)
  • Author’s Name: font size: 16 points, font type: Arial or Roboto, placement: Aligned to the bottom-right corner of the page (example: John Doe)
  • Faculty Address and Year of Submission: font size: 16 points, font type: Arial or Roboto, placement: Aligned to the bottom-left corner of the page (example: Prague, 2025)
  • Font colour: Black
  • Example of the Cover page: see Annex 1 of this Dean’s Decree

Article. 3
Deadlines and Submission Methods for the University Qualification Thesis

  1. The student must submit their university qualification thesis through the KOS information system no later than the deadline set by the Dean's decree specifying the schedule for the respective academic year at HAMU.
  2. At the time of submission, the student must complete the following details in the KOS information system:
    a) Translation of the thesis title into Czec
    b) Abstract in English and Czech
    c) Keywords
    The thesis must be uploaded in PDF format and locked by clicking the "Confirm Submission" button in the KOS section titled: "State Exams" -> "Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Theses (VŠKP)" -> "Diploma Thesis."
    If the thesis includes graphs, photographs, musical scores, other graphic elements, or audio/video files, these must be integrated into a single PDF file.
  3. The date the thesis is uploaded to the KOS system is considered the official submission date.
  4. The student is responsible for the submission of both the printed and electronic versions of the thesis. They must ensure the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of the files uploaded to the KOS system with the printed version.
  5. Students must submit the printed version of their Bachelor's or Master's thesis, including all required formal elements, to the department secretariat during official office hours within three working days of submission to the KOS system. Submission can be done in person or sent by post (the postmark date serves as the submission date). Students are required to submit one spiral-bound copy for library archival purposes. Additional copies for the Opponent and the state examination committee, if needed.
  6. Students must submit a printed copy of their dissertation to the study department during official office hours within three working days of uploading the dissertation to the KOS information system, either in person or by post (the postmark date serves as the submission date). The student is required to submit one spiral-bound copy for library archival purposes and, if necessary, additional copies for the Opponents. No later than ten days before the defense date, the doctoral candidate must submit a dissertation abstract (5–10 standard pages) in the KOS information system and provide a printed version to the study department.
  7. The department or the field board will forward the submitted printed auxiliary copy of the qualification thesis to the HAMU library, regardless of the outcome of the defense.

Article 4
Assignment of University Qualification Theses

  1. The assignment of a university qualification thesis on a printed form, generated from KOS, must be submitted by students to the secretariat of the relevant department by the deadline set by the dean’s decree regulating the schedule for the respective academic year at HAMU.
  2. The student fills out the draft assignment of the university qualification thesis in the KOS information system in the section titled "State Exams" -> "Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Theses (VŠKP)" -> "Create Type A Work – Theoretical Work."
    a) The title of the university qualification thesis in Czech and English (a subtitle can also be included)
    b) The topic of the university qualification thesis in the form of an annotation (the topic must correspond to the studied program)
    c) The language of the university qualification thesis according to the study program (for programs in Czech, the language is Czech, or Slovak; for programs in English, the language is English)
    d) The name of the thesis Supervisor (this is proposed by the student and approved by the dean)
  3. The student must approach the anticipated thesis Supervisor – a HAMU instructor – with a request to supervise their university qualification thesis (Bachelor's/Master's). Based on an agreement with the Supervisor, the student proposes the topic and title of the thesis. The student then signs the completed and printed VŠKP assignment form and submits it to the relevant department.
  4. The assignment of a Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis is approved by the dean’s signature upon the recommendation of the department head.
  5. For study programs such as Percussion Instruments, Wind Instruments, Conducting, Jazz Music, Keyboard Instruments, Chamber Music, String Instruments, Singing, Sound Production and Music Directing, the head of the Department of Music Theory must also provide feedback on the topic and title of the Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis.
  6. A change in the title of a Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis is possible with the approval of the thesis Supervisor. Approval for the title change must be documented on the appropriate form (see Appendix No. 2 of the decree) and submitted to the corresponding departmental secretariat.
  7. The assignment of a Doctoral thesis is approved by the dean upon the recommendation of the field board, taking into account the student’s proposal. The doctoral candidate then uploads this assignment into the KOS information system.

Article 5
Supervisors and Opponents of University Qualification Theses and the Defense

  1. The Supervisor of a Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis and the Opponent(s) are appointed by the dean upon the recommendation of the department head.

  2. In the case of Doctoral study programs, the Supervisor of the dissertation is always the Advisor. The Advisor and Opponents are appointed by the dean based on the proposal of the Doctoral study program Guarantor.
  3. The student is required to inform the Supervisor/Advisor about their progress and regularly consult their work with them. The Supervisor/Advisor provides ongoing consultations on the content and methodological support during the preparation of the university qualification thesis.
  4. The Supervisor and Opponent(s) prepare written evaluations* of Bachelor’s or Master’s theses and upload them to the KOS information system no later than three working days before the date of the defense.
  5. For the dissertation, the Advisor and at least two Opponents prepare written evaluations* and upload them to the KOS information system no later than seven working days before the date of the defense.
  6. Templates for written evaluations of qualification theses for the Supervisor and the Opponent are published in Appendix No. 3 and Appendix No. 5 of the Rector’s Decree No. 2/2023. Templates for evaluations of dissertations for the Supervisor and the Opponent are published in Appendix No. 4 and Appendix No. 6.

Article 6
Transitional and Final Provisions

  1. This Dean’s Decree repeals Dean’s Decree HAMU No. 24/2023 in its entirety.
  2. This decree, including Appendices No. 1 and No. 2, is valid upon the Dean’s signature and effective as of the date of issuance.
  3. All forms mentioned in the text of the decree are available on the HAMU website. Templates for evaluations are available on the AMU website at and

In printed form, the forms are available at the HAMU Study Department.

Praha, 16th December 2024
Prof. Ivan Klánský
Dean of HAMU


23. January 2025