The scope of action of the Chamber Music Performance Section spreads among multiple departments and interconnects activities of the String Instruments Department, the Keyboard Instruments Department, or the Percussion Instruments Department. Study schedule of the chamber music class is organized so that the students of bachelor and master study programs would become familiar with the masterpieces of Viennese classics, Czech composers, representatives of baroque music and last but not least with contemporary music pieces. In masters program the chamber music can also be studied as an independent field of study with specialization in chamber trio, bowed string quartet or woodwind and brass quintet.
At the moment the Chamber Music Performance Continuing Master's Programme is available in Czech language only! For enrolment to study in Czech read more information HERE.
General information regarding the admission procedures can be found in the Admission procedures section.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984