

Programme objectives
Graduate profile
More info about admission

Od akademického roku 2022/23

Programme objectives

The Bachelor’s programme in Composition is focused on developing creative individuality, innovation of expressive means, and improvement of technical proficiency. The ability to navigate various historical and contemporary musical styles in the form of analyses and practical exercises is developed as well. In parallel with work on his or her own compositions, the student is confronted with contemporary tendencies and currents through analyses of compositions by prominent world composers. The curriculum also includes working with modern technologies in a wide range of current creative applications. The student receives a comprehensive theoretical education in the field, as well as in art and music more generally. Theoretical insights are confronted with artistic practice. The student develops the ability to independently apply theoretical knowledge while reflecting on a musical composition and various aspects of its creation.

Graduate profile

Graduates of the Bachelor’s programme in Composition are distinctive creative individuals. They have mastered a wide range of technical composing skills ranging from historical compositional techniques to the latest trends in music composition. They make active use of contemporary technologies. Through their nimbleness, technical certainty, responsibility in submitting work, and ability to understand and make use of diverse manifestations of the types and genres of music, programme graduates are predestined for careers in contemporary artificial music or a wide range of related areas.
Specialist knowledge
The programme graduate is well oriented in the currents of contemporary music production and reacts to them in a creative manner. He or she is well oriented in musical and cultural operations and is capable of participating actively in them.
The graduate is able to formulate arguments in composition-theoretical and creative discussions on a professional level. The graduate also has a basic familiarity with copyright law, financial literacy and grant policies.

Specialist skills
The programme graduate has mastered compositional techniques in modern as well as traditional compositional styles, including component disciplines. He or she is able to independently create a musical work meeting the requirements of an autonomous musical creation. He or she has mastered the fundamentals and common practices of working with modern technologies (notational programs, the basics of musical composition and post-production in a digital sound studio). The graduate is able to work in teams, e.g. in producing music performances, creating interdisciplinary works, etc.

General competencies
The graduate possesses systematic, analytical and process skills, and is able to apply these skills independently and methodically. He or she demonstrates a strong aptitude for self-motivation and self-discipline, including self-study in preparation for future education with a view to a sustainable career path. The graduate uses various technical means in his or her own musical production, and to promote his or her professional profiles. The graduate comes across as a confident, trustworthy personality; he or she communicates effectively and makes use of IT tools and other presentation skills as needed.

Students also have the opportunity at any time during their studies to sit for a state examination in pedagogical competency. A prerequisite for taking this state examination is completion of the optional subjects Pedagogy, Psychology and Didactics / Teaching Practical in Composition.

More info about admission

Round 1: Correspondence
The Bachelor’s programme applicant is required to submit with the application his or her CV, cover letter and composition portfolio covering the past three years, including a selection of representative scores, in electronic form (PDF format) and any recordings (WAV or MP3 format or functional links). The admissions committee shall assess and evaluate these materials, and vote (pass/fail) on whether individual applicants shall advance to the next round of the admissions proceeding. In the event of a “fail”, the admissions proceeding shall conclude.
Round 2: A computer-based test on the history of music and other music-theoretical disciplines
The applicant shall answer a set of randomly selected questions with three possible answers, of which one is correct. If the applicant fails to achieve the set minimum score for advancement to Round 3, then the admissions proceeding shall be concluded. If the applicant advances to Round 3, then the points from Round 2 shall not be counted.
Round 3: An aptitude test
This round will take place on one day or on two consecutive days depending on the number of registered applicants.
Part 1:
1) Aural test
2) An examination of technical composing skills and nimbleness (classical harmony and counterpoint, ability to create a compositional solution from a limited set of musical materials, practical experience in the use of music technologies)
The total duration of Part 1 of the aptitude test shall not exceed 140 minutes.
Part 2:
1) submission of one’s own compositions and their performance on the piano or other instrument, or from a recording
2) ability to analyse one’s own compositions and those of others
3) The admissions committee will conduct a specialist motivational discussion with the applicant on a wide spectrum of questions concerning composition, music-theoretical disciplines and the applicant’s overall music-historical outlook.
The overall duration of the presentation and interview shall not exceed 60 minutes.
Applicants recommended for admission will be required to demonstrate their ability to play the piano. This performance will not be scored and will not influence the recommendation to admit the applicant.

The admissions committee shall assess the applicant with an overall score. The evaluation shall take into account the following: outstanding compositional talent, developed general music ability, compelling proficiency in compositional techniques, profound knowledge of music-theoretical disciplines at the level of conservatory curriculum, and general cultural knowledge.
After the completion of Round 3, the admissions committee shall rank individual applicants according to their average scores and shall recommend for admission those applicants who ranked within the admissions target and who earned the minimum score for the Composition programme of study.
The requirements of the admissions proceeding, including a designation of the method by which points are awarded, their range and the admissions target, are defined for each academic year by a relevant Decree of the Dean, which is subject to approval by the academic senate of the faculty.
If not enough applicants receive the required number of points, the admissions target will not be met.


MgA. Michal NEJTEK, Ph.D.

Phone: 234 244 141 Person detail