Students of the Department of Dance can choose from three fields of dance arts: Dance Pedagogy, Choreography and Dance Theory.
The field of Dance Pedagogy is studied in three specialisations: modern dance, classical dance and folk dance. This field trains dance teachers for all levels of dance schooling, dance studios and theatre dance troupes, or tutoring of theatre troupes. The field of Choreography provides education in the field of dance composition focused on creative activity and its theoretical and historical reflection. Dance Theory is focused on the issue of historical and systematic dance theory and its application in dance criticism, popularisation, organisational activities, etc.
All fields are accredited in the bachelor's and follow-up master's programme, and in the fields of Choreography and Dance Theory it is also possible to continue in doctoral studies. A graduate of the dance department fields can work as a choreographer, teacher or dance theoretician in all areas of dance, in theatres, in ballet and dance troupes, in the education system, research institutions or in the field of journalism and management.
At the moment the BA study programmes of Dance (all specializations) are available in Czech language only! For enrolment in Czech read more information HERE.
General information regarding the admission procedures for Bachelor's, Master's and PHD study programmes can be found in the Studies section.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
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