Nonverbal Theatre Department is one of the youngest artistic-pedagogical centres at the AMU Music and Dance Faculty. In the connection of classical and younger genres, the curriculum builds on the tradition of Czech mime and offers a modern concept of mime theatre that reacts to the present day. Instruction is focused primarily on students' original material. The department offers education with a broad spectrum of possible application in the professional artistic sphere, as well as in other employment sectors of society (e.g. teaching, adult education, cultural management, etc.).
In connection with this the department represents a professional workplace for mime arts with international importance. It is a university workplace that provides Czech and international artists a platform to collaborate and further develop their mime art and represent the Czech Republic in an ever expanding international network of professional art schools.
Change of departments' name follows a new approch to theater study.
Adam Halaš becomes the head of department and presents a new concept of study of the mime theater. Together with the basic genres Pantomime Department now also focuses on other contemporary kinds of mime theater which are physical theater and new circus.
Prof. Boris Hybner becomes the head of department and leads it until 2010. Under his direction the study focused on basic genres of the mime theater - pantomime, slapstick and grotesque - and the department changed in its name to Pantomime Theater Department in 2009.
Following prof. Fialka's heritage and further developing this field of study was prof. Ctibor Turba. He established a broader scope and approach towards the nonverbal theater and comedy. He founded Nonverbal and comedic theater department and served as its head until 1999.
Pantomime choreography becomes independent field of study. Its founder and leading pedagogue was an excellent Czech mime prof. Ladislav Fialka.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Rozvojové setkání (workshop) pro studenty HAMU na téma komunikačních technik vedoucích přímé a rovné komunikaci - vzájemnosti, respektování, naslouchání, autenticitě
lektorka: Renáta Brůna
místo: Respirium, HAMU
upozornění: workshop je prioritně určen studentům předmětu Pedagogika 2 a Psychologie 2, účast dalších studentů je možná do vyčerpání kapacity respiria.