All important information regarding admission terms and deadlines for application can be found HERE.
Applications that are incomplete, lacking the required attachments or sent after the assigned deadline (date on the postmark is conclusive) will not be accepted for the admission process. The receiving of your application will be confirmed via e-mail. Invitations for the admission exam will be delivered to your e-mail box 14 days before the term of the exam.
At the moment the Nonverbal Theatre Bachelor´s, Continuing Master's and Ph.D. Programmes are available in Czech language only! For enrolment in Czech read more information HERE.
Candidates must bring exercise apparel: single-colour, with no inscriptions or logos!
The entrance examination takes place over 3 rounds. Round 1 – written test on general cultural knowledge, with the emphasis on the history and present day of pantomime, movement theatre and new circus (recommended literature: J. Švehla - Tisícileté umění pantomimy, V. Veber - Příběh pantomimy, O. Cihlář - Nový cirkus, J. Kazda – Kapitoly z dějin divadla)
The candidate will answer 30 multiple-choice questions, where one of the three possible answers is correct. At least 15 correct answers are required to proceed to the next round. If the candidate does not get enough correct answers, the admission procedure will be terminated. If a candidate proceeds to Round 2, the marks from Round 1 are not counted in Round 2.
Round 2 – talent examination before the examination commission
1. Movement technique test: pantomime, modern dance, clownery and improvisation, foundations of circus artistry, acrobatics
2. Talent test – interview, performance of the candidate’s own movement étude lasting approx. 5 minutes (musical accompaniment on CD/MP3 possible), or possibly improvisation on another set theme.
The examination commission has the right to interrupt entrance examinations at any time.
The admissions commission will award candidates a mark ranging from 1 to 25. At least 20 points are required to proceed to the next round. If the candidate does not satisfy the conditions for proceeding to Round 3, the admission procedure will be terminated. If a candidate proceeds to Round 3, the marks from Round 2 are not counted in Round 2.
Candidates will be informed of the results of Rounds 1 and 2 immediately after those parts of the admission procedure are over.
Round 3 – talent examination before the examination commission .
In Round 3, candidates are required to devise performances for set tasks in solo, pair and group movement études.
The admissions commission will award candidates a mark ranging from 1 to 25. This points score is a reflection of superior movement skills, creative potential and originality, prerequisites for growth as an actor, improvisation skills and artistic reflexes, general knowledge of
Foreign students applying for the tuition free study in Czech language need to provide a certificate of Czech language proficiency of B1 level or higher (in accordance with CEFR) from an acredited institution along with their application.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984