The concept of instruction at the Department of Nonverbal Theatre focuses on modern and contemporary mime theatre, thus for example clowning, slapstick, physical acting, new circus, acrobatics, tap dance, improvisation and other specialisations of movement theatre. Instruction is focused on professionalism, both in theatrical interpretation and in original creation.

From the start of studies, instruction is directed towards the performer thinking like an author. The student is guided to create, in a team and individually, and to seek out individuality and new possibilities in their original expression based on a synthesis of taught genres.

At the bachelor's level, emphasis is primarily placed on interpretation of the taught genres and mastering various styles of nonverbal theatre and the skills of circus artistry.

At the master's level, instruction concentrates primarily on original creation, dramaturgy, direction and individual specialisation of students in specific genres.

At the doctoral level emphasis is placed on research and academic activity and theory in the field of nonverbal theatre.