A good-sounding record does not represent only the work of a composer and the interpreters. It is an artistic creation of a group of specialists who possess the right passion and emotions to grasp both the interpretational and sound part of the record and transfer it to the listeners with quality. Do you read the music score like a book, can you orientate yourself in the music literature and are you allured by the psychology of recording or are you fascinated by the union of colorful world of acoustic instruments and the sound technology? Then you are in the right place.
At the moment the Sound Design Bachelor´s, Continuing Master's and Ph.D. Programmes are available in Czech language only! For enrolment in Czech read more information HERE.
General information regarding the admission procedures can be found in the Admission procedures section.
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984