Are you an aspiring artist weary of self-promotion or raising money for your projects? Are you lost in the vast sea of agencies, rules and regulations? Whatever your field of study at AMU is, being able to organize and create your own brand is key knowledge in the world of culture!
Learn the basics of self management, branding, fudraising, financial and law literacy!
Dates: 14.10. 2022, 4.11.2022, 25.11.2022, 9.12.2022, 6.1.2023
from 10:00 to 13:15 hod, classroom no.2017, Liechtenstein Palace (2nd floor)
5. October 2022
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984