In the Czech Republic, science and research results of individual research organisations are collected in the RIV database (Register of Information on Results), which is part of the Information System for Research, Development and Innovation (ISV & V), and evaluation is made on the basis of the Methodology for Evaluation of the Research Organisation's Results.
The definition of results which can be added to the RIV can be found here.
The collection of data for the RIV takes place at AMU, through representatives for individual faculties.
The Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV) is an web application in which, since the year 2013, information has been gathered about Creative Art Schools (offering university degree courses), Art Faculties or parts of universities that provide education programmes in seven arts subject areas: Architecture, Audiovisual Art, Design, Music, Literature, the Performing Arts and the Fine Arts.
The score achieved by individual universities over the last 5 years is one of the indicators according to which universities are allocated funds from the state budget.
The RUV came into operation in the professional field in September 2016 when the amendment to the Higher Education Act entered into force, in which the RUV is explicitly mentioned (Act No. 137/2016 Coll., §77c). It is administered by the RUV Office at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (more HERE). The activities of the RUV are regulated by the Statute of the Council of the Register of Artistic Outputs. The individual art sectors then act through their Councils and plenary sessions, to which schools nominate their representatives.
THE Ministry of Education (MŠMT) RUV Page
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