Specifies and supplements Rector's Decree No.2/2023 according to Article 6, paragraph 7, which regulates the rules for the creation and uniform format of written parts of Bachelor’s theses, Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU). Furthermore, it establishes the deadlines and the method of entering and submitting them.
1. Requirements of the written form of the written part of the bachelor thesis, diploma thesis and dissertation (hereinafter collectively referred to as "university qualifying works "), a copy of which the student shall submit to the relevant department by the thesis submission deadline:
- Font: for normal text, Arial or Roboto font is used, size 11 point
- Line spacing: 1.5 lines
- Font colour: black
- Page format: A4
- Standard page: 60 characters per line and 30 lines per page, i.e. 1800 characters including spaces
- margins: set 2 cm at the bottom, top and right; 3 cm at the left (for binding)
- Text: align in a block
- Printing pages: single-sided on white office paper
- Chapters: always start on a new page with a heading, using a bold font 3 points larger than the text; for chapter titles we recommend a size of 16 points, for subchapter titles a size of 14 points
- Numbering of chapters and subchapters: usually Arabic numbering, the method chosen must be uniform and correspond to the structure of the work
- Page numbering: Arabic numbering in the centre of the footer, font size 11 point, introductory pages (vacancies) are not numbered!
- Footnotes: font size 8 point, the method must be uniform throughout the text
- Appendices are to be added at the end of the work (if not directly in the text) and numbered continuously
1. The binding of the university qualifying work:
- Name of the university and faculty: font size 18 pt, font type Arial, uppercase
- Type of qualifying work: font size 26 points, font type Arial, uppercase
- Author's name and surname: positioned on the bottom right, font size 16 point, font type Arial, (example: Jan Novák)
- Faculty seat and year of submission: location in the bottom left, font size 16 point, font type Arial, (example: Prague, 2023)
- Colour of binding plates: optional, must be monochrome
- Font colour: optional, must be monochrome
- See Annex 1 to the Dean's Decree for an example of the binding
2. The spine of a hardback university qualifying work:
- Student's name and surname (without title(s)), positioned towards the top edge of the spine with a spacing of approx. 2 cm from the top edge
- Year of submission, positioned towards the lower edge of the spine, spaced approximately 2 cm from the lower edge
1. The student submits the university qualifying work via the KOS information system no later than the deadline set by the Dean's decree regulating the schedule of the relevant academic year of HAMU.
2: The student is obliged to fill in prescribed information into the KOS information system by the date of submission of the thesis at the latest:
a) Translation of the title of the thesis into Czech
b) Abstract in English and Czech
c) Keywords
Next, he/she uploads the university qualifying work in PDF format and locks it using the "Confirm submission" button in the KOS section called "State examinations" -> "Bachelor, Master and dissertation theses" -> "Diploma thesis". If the student uses graphs, photographs, notation, other graphic elements or audio video files in his/her thesis, he/she attaches these to the other parts to form one data file in PDF format with them.
3. The date of uploading the university qualifying work to the KOS system is also the date of submission.
4. The student is responsible for the submission of the paper and electronic form of the university qualifying work and for the accuracy and completeness of the thesis files uploaded to the student information system and their consistency with the paper form of the thesis submitted.
5. Students shall submit a copy of the Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis with all the prescribed formalities to the secretariat of the relevant department during current office hours. It is compulsory to submit at least one hard-bound copy (the copy for archiving is handed over by the department to the HAMU library after the defence).
6. Students submit a copy of the dissertation to the study department during the current office hours, when the obligation to submit at least one hard-bound copy continues (the copy for archiving is handed over by the study department to the HAMU library after the defence). Together with the thesis, but no later than ten days before the defence date, the doctoral student submits the thesis (5-10 standard pages) to the KOS information system and printed to the study department.
1. Students submit the assignment of the university qualifying work on a printed form generated from KOS to the secretariat of the relevant department within the deadline set by the Dean's decree regulating the schedule of the relevant academic year of HAMU.
2. The draft assignment of the university qualifying work shall be filled in by the student in the KOS information system in the KOS section called "State Examinations"-> "Bachelor's, Master's and Dissertation Theses" -> "Thesis Type A - Theoretical Thesis".
a) The title of the university qualifying work in English and Czech (subtitle can also be entered)
b) The topic of the university qualifying work in the form of an annotation (the topic must correspond to the study programme studied)
c) The language of the university qualifying work according to the study programme (for the programme in Czech language, Czech language, Slovak language is also possible; for the study programme in English language, English language)
d) The name of the supervisor of the university qualifying work (this is a student's proposal, approved by the Dean)
3. The student approaches the lecturer with a request to supervise his/her university qualifying work (Bachelor's, Master's thesis) and consults with him/her the topic and the title of the thesis. The student then attaches his/her signature to the completed UQT assignment form and submits it to the appropriate department.
4. The Dean approves the Bachelor's, Master's thesis assignment with his/her signature on the proposal of the head of the department.
5. In the case of the study programmes Percussion, Wind Instruments, Conducting, Jazz Interpretation, Keyboard Instruments, Chamber Music, Strings, Voice, Sound Design and Music Direction, the Head of the Department of Musical-Theoretical Disciplines also gives his/her opinion on the topic and title of the Bachelor's/ Master's Thesis.
6. Changing the title of the Bachelor's/ Master's thesis is possible with the consent of the thesis supervisor. The consent to change the title shall be filled in on the appropriate form* see Annex 2 of the Decree and submitted to the relevant departmental secretariat.
7. The assignment of the Dissertation thesis is approved by the Dean on the recommendation of the Departmental Board taking into account the student's proposal. Subsequently, the doctoral student enters this assignment into the KOS information system.
1.The head of the Bachelor's/ Master's thesis and the opponent(s) are appointed by the Dean on the recommendation of the head of the department.
2.The supervisor/dissertation supervisor and thesis opponents are appointed by the Dean on the proposal of the doctoral programme supervisor.
3. The student is obliged to inform the thesis supervisor/tutor of his/her progress and to regularly consult with him/her about his/her work. The supervisor of the thesis/tutor shall provide the student with continuous consultation on the content and methodological support in the preparation of the thesis.
4. The thesis supervisor and the opponent(s) shall prepare written evaluations* of the Bachelor's thesis or Master's thesis and upload them to the KOS information system at least three working days before the date of the defence.
5. The supervisor and at least two opponents shall prepare written opinions* on the dissertation thesis and enter them into the KOS information system no later than seven working days before the date of the defence.
6. In the Rector's Decree No. 2/2023, the models of written assessment for the thesis supervisor and the opponent are published in Annexes 3 and 5; the models of dissertation assessment for the supervisor and the opponent are published in Annexes 4 and 6.
1. This Dean's Decree repeals in its entirety the Dean's Decree No. 6/2023.
2. This Decree, including Annexes No. 1 and No. 2, shall be valid upon signature of the Dean and shall be effective on the date of issue.
3. All forms mentioned in the text of the decree are available on the HAMU website. Samples of the reports are available on the AMU https://www.amu.cz/en/official-desk/rules-regulations/rectors-decrees/. In printed form, the forms are available at the HAMU Study Department.
Praha, 14. 12. 2023
prof. Ivan Klánský
Dean of HAMU
25. January 2024
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Hudební a taneční fakulta AMU
Malostranské nám. 258/13
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 234 244 111
IČO: 61384984
DIČ: CZ61384984
Rozvojové setkání (workshop) pro studenty HAMU na téma komunikačních technik vedoucích přímé a rovné komunikaci - vzájemnosti, respektování, naslouchání, autenticitě
lektorka: Renáta Brůna
místo: Respirium, HAMU
upozornění: workshop je prioritně určen studentům předmětu Pedagogika 2 a Psychologie 2, účast dalších studentů je možná do vyčerpání kapacity respiria.